7 Days / 6 Nights Imperial Cities History and Culture 5 stars’ hotels Tour from Marrakech

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7 Days 6 Nights Imperial Cities History and Culture 5 stars’ hotels Tour from Marrakech


Marrakech, the romantic red city with an ancient Moroccan Amazigh character ages more than thousand years, and still preserving its heritage, a strange feeling that the visitor feels as he stands in front of its ornate walls and huge doors, wondering how these monuments were built with primitive tools, living masterpieces of Moroccan folklore in the evening in Jamaa El Fna Square, charming views that combine the sophistication of culture and the splendor of the High Atlas Mountains.

Although Marrakesh has won the best city in the world on many occasions, it is not unique in its beauty among Morocco. Rabat is the current capital of Morocco and one of the largest commercial ports at one time. The city of Rabat combines modernity and originality represented in the Hassan Tower, which people differed from the story of Its construction, and the Kasbah of the Oudaya, which still maintains its strength and protector of the city to the present day.

The city of Meknes, the commercial centre and one of the most important Roman capitals in North Africa, then the city of Fez, the scientific and spiritual capital of Morocco, is no less beautiful. Our upcoming programs will concern these imperial cities that have amazed those who have visited them over the years. Each option will rely on a different starting point between Marrakesh, Casablanca, and Rabat. We will also accompany the programs with several activities according to what is available in each city.



At nine in the morning, we will meet the tourist buses and guides in front of your hotel. We will move next to visit one of the most famous gardens in the world, the beautiful blue gardens of Yves Saint Laurent, which contains the rarest types of cacti. We will also visit the Berber Museum and the Yves Saint Laurent Museum. After that, we will visit the old city, where we will have a tour of the magnificent Bahia Palace; and learn many secrets of the ruling class at the time. Then we will go on another tour to see the tombs of the Saadian Dynasty in Morocco before we enjoy the most delicious Moroccan dishes at the luncheon. We will continue our visit to the most famous markets in Marrakech, full of colours and handicrafts for no more than an hour, and then from there directly to the Agafay desert, which recently swept the tourist markets with its captivating charm. We will enjoy an hour to watch the sunset before returning to the hotel. Dinner and Overnight in hotel requested categories and similar in Marrakech.

This day is dedicated to visiting the city of Rabat, but we cannot miss visiting the Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca, the most wonderful Islamic masterpiece in the world built by a non-Muslim engineer. The Hassan II Mosque is the only mosque in Morocco that receives tourists from all parts of the world who, despite their different religions, only They agreed on the splendor of his mastery. We can visit the mosque only twice a day in the morning at ten or in the afternoon at three, so we will depart from Marrakesh early at half past six to stop to visit this wonderful landmark on our way to the city of Rabat. - Lunch in Casablanca - Continuation of the road towards the city of Rabat - Transfer to the hotel - free time Dinner and Overnight in hotel requested categories and similar in Rabat.

The history of the city of Rabat goes back to different historical periods, but the initial foundation of the city dates back to the era of the Almoravids, who established a fortified ribat because the obsession with security was the strongest factor behind this choice be a gathering point for the Mujahideen, and to respond to the Barghoutian attacks. During the Almohad era, the city experienced a historical and civilized radiance, as Rabat (the fortress) was transformed during the reign of Abd Al-Moumen Almohad into a fortified kasbah to protect his armies, which were launching jihad campaigns towards Andalusia. Chellah is an ancient small city located on the Bouregreg River. It dates back to the sixth century BC. It is one of the most important archaeological sites and one of the most famous tourist areas in Rabat, Morocco. The archaeological site of Shellah includes a large courtyard and ancient baths in addition to the main temple. When you arrive at the site, you will notice large numbers of birds, including the stork. The Hassan Tower is considered one of the most prominent tourist attractions in Rabat, Morocco. It is a historical building that was built to be a minaret for a mosque in Rabat during the reign of Sultan Yaqub Al-Mansour, but work on building the mosque stopped with the death of the Sultan. The minaret is 44 meters high and is incomplete, surrounded by many columns. It was classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1995. We will spend the Moring in Rabat and then we will continue to Meknes City for Lunch and visit. (something about meknes) -Departure for Fez Dinner and Overnight in hotel requested categories and similar in Fez.

Day 4 :

Fez is still abounding with landmarks and living evidence of its rich and ancient Islamic history, including the wall and its eight gates with arches and inscriptions, such as Bab al-Dukakin, Bab Abi Al-Juloud, Bab Fattouh, and Sidi Boujida Gate, as well as what is inside the walls of buildings, architecture and water distribution engineering in the old city and its fountains. and its gardens. Among the most famous landmarks of Fez is the Al-Qarawiyyin Mosque, which was built in 857 AD by Fatima al-Fihri, a mosque for worship and a university for teaching science at the same time. Then Yusuf ibn Tashfin expanded it during the Almoravid state. This mosque is the first university established in the world, preceded Zaytuna and Al-Azhar, and preceded the first university in Europe. The Andalusian Mosque: It was built by Maryam, sister of Fatima al-Fihri, in 859-860. It was known for additions and reforms in the Marinid era and the Alawi era during the days of Sultan Moulay Ismail. The walls of Fez al-Bali: Dates back to the period of the rule of al-Nasir al-Muwahhid (1199-1213 AD). Among its famous gates are Bab al-Futuh, Bab al-Hamra, and Bab al-Jadeed. The Bouanania School: Founded by Sultan Abu Inan Al-Marini between 1350-1355 AD, and it was one of the most famous schools in Fez and Morocco. It was distinguished by its beautiful architecture and architecture. Al-Attarine School: It was described as an urban masterpiece located north of the Al-Qarawiyyin Mosque. It is considered one of the most beautiful Moroccan schools. Dar Al Batha: a palace and summer residence prepared for royal receptions during the days of Sultan Moulay Abdel Aziz in 1897, and in 1915 it was turned into a regional museum of arts and customs. -Fez Historical City Tour -Lunch -Tanner Art house visit -Markets and old midina visit Dinner and Overnight in hotel requested categories and similar in Fez

Houses painted in blue lime, bustling places, rising alleys... Walking around this holy city and enjoying its atmosphere is the best way to get to know it and enjoy its sights. The city of Chefchaouen, perched between the two mountains, the city of its houses painted in white and blue lime, a strong charm that emanates from the "Wata al-Hamam" square in the middle of the old city paved with smooth stones. On the terrace of a café, you can admire the breathtaking view of the Great Mosque, "Tariq Ibn Ziyad", with an octagonal hermitage, whose architecture was inspired by the golden minaret "Torre de Oro" in Seville. The Kasbah and its gardens, located in the heart of the old city, were imprinted with this Andalusian architectural style. As for its eleven ramparts and towers, one of which in the past was used as the main fortress, it contains a wonderful ethnographic museum. -Chefchaouen Free Time City Tour -Meeting for Lunch in Rass al maa Chefchaouen -Visit of Kasbah Ghmaria a Chefchaouen Dinner and Overnight in Chefchaouen.

Its presence near Europe made it a commercial centre and a station of communication between multiple civilizations deeply rooted in history, which the Phoenicians, Punic, Romans, Vandals and others passed through, and it still retains evidence of that. The Islamic conquest reached it, and it was the crossing point of the leader Tariq bin Ziyad in the year 711 AD to conquer Spain and its surroundings, and the birth of Andalusia. Several Islamic countries that successively ruled Morocco made it an important military centre. It was invaded several times by Portugal, Spain and Britain. The Sultan of the Alawites State, Ismail bin Ali al-Sharif (nicknamed Moulay Ismail, who ruled during 1672-1727) and Sultan Sidi Muhammad bin Abdullah played a major role in its liberation and the expulsion of the occupiers who demolished and destroyed many of its landmarks. After the Second World War - and Morocco was occupied by the French and the Spaniards - it became the focus of the ambitions of the colonial European countries, and in order not to be singled out by one of them, it was decided to give it an international status, and it became a global influence. After Morocco's independence, a free zone was established in the city to avoid the flight of foreign capital from it. The capital and bride of northern Morocco, and the closest Arab, African and Islamic city to Europe, which is only 14 kilometres away, is famous for its tourism and the blending of cultures. Among its famous landmarks is the Cave of Hercules, and the Tangier-Mediterranean port. -Guided Visit to the most Popular spots in Tangier (Old Tangier, spartel head, El hafa coffee shop and Hercules Cave) -Lunch -Free time Dinner and overnight in 5 Stars’ hotel in Tangier.

-Free Time -Transfer to the airport -End of services.

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7 Days / 6 Nights Imperial Cities History and Culture 5 stars’ hotels Tour from Marrakech

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